Dr. Judith Rideout (former collaborator)

PhD Hispanic Studies
MLitt Spanish and Latin American Studies
BA (Hons) Humanities

April 2017 -  March 2018  University of Augsburg

Researcher for the DFG project "Literary modernisation processes and transnational network formation in the medium of the cultural magazine: from 'Modernismo' to the 'avant-garde'". This project, led by Professor Hanno Ehrlicher, is an extensive, primarily quantitative study of the extensive corpus of Spanish-speaking cultural journals. It is comprised of two sub-projects, Modernismo (1890-1914, undertaken by myself), and the avant-garde (1920-1936, undertaken by my colleague Teresa Herzgsell), We will later combine forces for a study of the transitional phase of the so-called Postmodernismo (ca. 1910-1920). This project aims to trace the gradual emergence of modern literature, especially in terms of its transnational complexity and the extent to which the cultural magazine, with its network of genres and actors, becomes decisive in this process. Through a combination of close reading and the massive recording of (meta) data or 'distant reading', visualisations will be produced which will in turn drive new interpretations and conclusions about the literary field under study.

For further information on the theory behind this project and its proposed methodology, please see:


September 2013 - August 2016  University of Glasgow/University of St Andrews

Doctoral Student on the HERA project Travelling TexTs 1790-1914: Transnational Reception of Women's Writing at the Fringes of Europe. Led by Dr. Henriette Partzsch, this project studied the role of women's writing in the transnational literary field during the long 19th century, and how gendered cultural encounteres through reading and writing shaped the modern cultural imaginaries in Europe. As with my current research, this project had a quantitative, empirical focus, and reception data from large-scale sources (library and booksellers' catalgoues, the periodical press) were systematically scrutinised for evidence of women's participation in literary culture. The women's literary networks from the perspective of five countries located at the fringes of 19th-century Europe (Norway, Finland, Slovenia, Spain, the Netherlands), with my doctoral thesis centred on the a detailed study of a Spanish magazine corpus from 1880-1910. The resulting thesis, Women's Writing Networks in Spanish Magazines around 1900 can be found online (see link below). The quantitative data which formed the dataset of the thesis, posted online for the benefit of other researchers, can also be at http://researchdata.gla.ac.uk/336/


Nombre de pila: 
Dr. Judith
Rideout (former collaborator)