
Cultural Magazines from "Modernismo" to Avant-Garde: Processes of Modernization and Transnational networks

Cultural Magazines from "Modernismo" to Avant-Garde: Processes of Modernization and Transnational networks was the title of a research project funded by the DFG (Project number 327964298) for three years from 4/2017 to 6/2020. The following series of articles give insides as well as exemplary outcommings of this project and is also aimed to stimulate further data-driven research on cultural magazines.
Our thanks goes to Judith Rideout who was member of the research project for a year and helped with a final proofreading of the published texts.

Atlas.ti: un primer acercamiento para el análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de revistas culturales

El software ATLAS.ti resulta de gran utilidad para el análisis de grandes conjuntos de información, su versatilidad permite trabajar con diversos materiales como texto, imagen, audio y video. Su interfaz de usuario es amigable con el uso se vuelve intuitiva y requiere de un corto tiempo de aprendizaje, para este caso se invirtió un par de días en los tutoriales que el mismo software ofrece de manera gratuita —— aunque cabe aclarar que aún quedan funciones por explorar.

Judith Rideout: Voices from a Lost World: When rare oriental texts are dusted off in a Spanish bazaar

When asked to conceptualise the traditional Spanish-speaking world, most people think of Spain and her former imperial territories, and historical studies of the Hispanic press are a reflection of that fact. Few Hispanic scholars think to include the Sephardic Jewish diaspora as part of the Hispanosphere, despite the fact that their abandonment of Spanish territory after 1492 did not mean that they abandoned their hispanidad.

Hanno Ehrlicher: Medir la vanguardia desmedida: conflictos de localización y dinámica de la globalización en las revistas de las vanguardias hispanohablantes.


El 15 de abril de 1927 apareció en la revista madrileña Gaceta Literaria un editorial anónimo a cargo de Guillermo de Torre que, con el título de “Madrid meridiano intelectual de Hispanoamérica”, instaba a los intelectuales latinoamericanos a que dieran un giro geopolítico alejándose de París como supuesta capital de la Modernidad y se orientaran hacia Madrid por ser el “más certero punto meridiano":

Hanno Ehrlicher/ Teresa Herzgsell: Zeitschriften als Netzwerke und ihre digitale Visualisierung. Grundlegende methodologische Überlegungen und erste Anwendungsbeispiele

Abstract [1]:

The way we read reviews and little magazines in the humanities is changing, due to new methods of quantitative data analysis. Those have become possible because of the increasing digitalization of cultural materials. Enthusiastic approaches, such as Franco Morettis, even go so far as to claim that "distant reading" could replace classic hermeneutical methods altogether. Our approach on the contrary is not quite as radical.