The Wonderful World of Advertising in Gente Vieja

The magazine Gente Vieja, as the title might suggest, took pride in being a platform for an older generation of writers, at a time when a new wave of modernist literary and artistic styles, associated with the younger generation, were very much in vogue. Far from trying to compete with these younger writers, the contributors to Gente Vieja made a feature of their seniority, with the first issue proudly stating the age of the writer alongside their name.

Workshop „Zeitschriften als Wissensproduzenten – Material, Gestaltung und digitale Erschließung“

  • Posted on: 13 November 2017
  • By: nanette

Beim Berliner Workshop „Zeitschriften als Wissensproduzenten – Material, Gestaltung und digitale Erschließung“ (7.-8.12.2017) kommen verschiedene deutschsprachige Forscher zusammen, um über die Herausforderungen des Mediums Zeitschrift im interdisziplinären Kontext zu diskutieren. Auf Einladung von Madleen Podewski, Gustav Frank und Christof Windgätter sind aus dem Projekt Revistas culturales 2.0 Teresa Herzgsell und Nanette Rißler-Pipka dabei.

Judith's Review of Reviews: Luz

It cannot be argued that the magazine Luz was designed to be an aesthetic commodity, a magazine of an artistic and writing collective which had as its aim the inspiration of whoever picked it up. The magazine’s first epoch began on the 15th November 1897, with a fortnightly publication which cost 10c.

Hojear el siglo XX: revistas culturales latinoamericanas

Este es el título del nuevo número, el 41, de la revista Reflexiones mariginales, dedicada a la memoria de Felipe Ehrenburg, “artista, escritor, performancero y revistero”. Es esta última característica la que ha motivado a presentar un dossier y una serie de artículos dedicados a las revistas.

Some notes on the phenomenon of the Correspondencia Administrativa

The Correspondencia Administrativa section, found in many Spanish magazines of the late nineteenth century, was the magazine staff’s most convenient way of responding to letters from subscribers and hopeful contributors. Replies were perfunctory and saved both the time and postage/stationary costs involved in responding via private, individual correspondence.

Judith's Review of Reviews: Germinal

The Spanish Left of 1898 were angry young men, and the newspaper Germinal lays bare that anger. Stemming from the economic and social inequalities which pervaded Spanish society, the contributors to Germinal did not hold back when it came to speaking their minds, and did not hesitate to reproduce controversial writings from other countries. The newspaper can be characterised by a spirit of rebellion against established values, with anarchists lauded, feminists praised, and the monarchy criticised.

AR.DOC: Archivo Rubén Darío Organizado y Centralizado

Acaba de aparecer el Tercer Boletín Informativo de este Archivo que informa sobre las novedades del desarrollo de este sitio, como es la presentación de su su primera serie digital, con los 695 artículos darianos publicados en el periódico La Nación de Buenos Aires, catalogados y anotados.

Round-Table-Discussion on „Periodicals as Networks"

Within the context of the 11th HNR-Workshop on stories and structures organized in Augsburg in collaboration between the Historical Network Research Group and ISLA Augsburg, there will be  a Round Table Discussion on Round-Table-Discussion on „Periodicals as Networks: Experiences, Best Practices and Challenges for the Future“ on Friday, 26th, 15.00-17.00 h.
